Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Concept: New Skirt Tees

Flirtee Skirtees Girls Skirt Tees
• Poses feature lots of fluid movement
• Different style from existing Dress Ups -- not as "painterly", flatter color, black outline
• The faces need work -- we want to avoid the fate of the "big head" girls of the past
• Ballerina looks too young
• This artwork is based on the illustrators John and Wendy (visit their website here). We probably can't afford them; they license product
• Either Mare or Dave would approximate this style, or maybe Bec could do a take? We would LOVE for Bec to do a take!
• Oops, we forgot the skirt on "girls rock!" And the ballerina's skirt fell off before the photograph...

Do these designs even need skirts? Would they sell without the appliqué?

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