Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Line Assignments

These will shift around as they always do. I know we have quite a few items under your name, Dave and I already have a pretty tight idea on what these will or could be so hopefully that will help you. The projects under Claudia's name to be art directed will be closely watched by Dave and I, we just really need her help to get this all done. It is the most ambitious line art wise we have attempted. Take a look at all of this we have taken lots of time to put this all together probably too much. This still is not a complete presentation, but we have got to get rolling on art to meet the deadlines. In a few weeks we will have one full time printer in the back and we have got to space out the art better so we can get it all done.

Dave and I are excited and skeptical all at the same time about the wine and gambling categories. Our goal is to have these two categories to the reps by the end of the week to get feed back from them on the statements and art styles. We are also going to see if they will show these designs to some key accounts early to get feedback.

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